We cover Scotland, Highlands & Islands and North Of England 

Dura5 Battery

Maximise Your Energy Cost Savings

DISCOVER THE POWER OF THE SUN. SAVE 80% on your Electricity costs today

Solar PV Explained

Solar Photovoltaics (helpfully shortened to Solar PV) is the generation of electricity using energy from sunlight. A common misconception is that solar panels will only generate electricity on a sunny bright day, but this is simply not true. Modern panels will not require direct sunlight at all to function, with enough sunlight falling onto the earth every hour to meet the world’s power demands for an entire year!

Making the most of this free energy via solar panel installation means that we are not as reliant on non-renewable resources such as fossil fuels, benefiting the environment for all. Solar PV panels can produce green energy for homes and businesses seamlessly, with the Solar Photovoltaic panels often installed on the roof of a building or the ground in some instances. An inverter device is responsible for changing the electricity produced by panels into usable energy for your home, powering your appliances in a sustainable manner. Low maintenance and requiring only regular cleaning, make the most of solar system installation today.

Add a Battery and stay of Grid as much as possible its the smart option do it once do it right.

Maximise Your Savings & Futureproof Your Home

Hassle Free Management

Automate how and when to charge, store and consume your energy.

Integrate with ALL available time-of- use tariffs.

Cheapest Cleanest EV Charging

Your experts in Energy Saving

The Things you need to know


Key Features
1C/1C charge and discharge
Master BMS autoselect
Plug-and-play (all cables included)
Modular up to 5 units
Module-level auto-balancing. Add additional batteries at any time
10 Year warraty & IP65 protection